If this may help someone, here's my finding so far (I must admit I found 
Groovy inside Jenkins to be painful and by far one of my less favorite 
scripting language so far, especially loosing my head with a few things. 
Here's some traps I found:

   - the .each fct bug that iterating only once (work inside all groovy 
   console except into Jenkins project file
   - Editing the pipline script of a pipleine project (when not into from 
   SCM) doesn't show the script box, just right click on the Script tag and 
   inspect content and search for the html tag div 
   class="workflow-editor-wrapper" and uncheck display: none from the CSS 
   - importing tools file is not funny and I still cannot println() into 
   them so far, the output doesn't display for some reason I don't known.
   - "." path is Jenkins home and not the current workspace, you need to 
   use pwd() to access the workspace
   - printing env options is nearly impossible don't waste your time on 
   this, search for for the available value on google
   - uncheck the sandbox, else you pretty much cannot use anything even 
   basic stuff (regex, string, match)

If anybody want to import a tools file that can be used into multiple 
JenkinsFile or project, here's an example:

My Jenkinsfile stage look like this
stage 'VcxProj Inspection'
GroovyObject bcadTools = (GroovyObject) (new 
GroovyClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()).parseClass(new File(pwd() + 
for(String l : bcadTools.findIntoFiles(true, pwd(), ~/.*\.vcxproj/, 
// Clean up to avoid CPS problems
errorLines = null
bcadTools = null

My Tools.groovy look like this:
 * \warning     Copyright (c) 2016 Laboratoires Bodycad inc., All rights 
 * \date        2016-07-13
 * \author      Jerome Godbout
 * \file        Tools.groovy
 * \info        This is common function to use with JenkinsFile or other 
groovy scripts
import static groovy.io.FileType.*
import java.util.regex.Pattern

class BCadTools
/* Find pattern into files from src path that will recursively search
* \param isError, print error or warning
* \param path, path to recursively search for file. Ex: "MyPath\\SubDir"
* \param extension, the file extension to check for. Ex: ~/.*\.vcxproj$/
* \param content, the content regex to seek. Ex: /Optimization/
* \return the match list for each files
def findIntoFiles(boolean isError, String path, Pattern fileFilter, Pattern 
def rv = []
def srcDir = new File(path)
def levelStr = (isError ? "ERROR" : "WARNING")
srcDir.traverse(type: FILES, nameFilter: fileFilter) 
def fileName = it.path
if(!(fileName =~ /[\\\\\/]+\.hg[\\\\\/]+/) &&
  !(fileName =~ /[\\\\\/]+external[\\\\\/]+/))
def fileCheck = new File(fileName)
def lineNumber = 0
def matches = it =~ lineExp
if(matches.count > 0)
rv.push("FI " + levelStr + " : " + fileName + " at line " + lineNumber + " 
: " + it)
return rv

I should be able to parse the console output to make warning or error with 
this. I have yet figure out if I can split the consle parsed output results 
from each stage into different output, but that's something else.

I hope there's a better way to acheive all this, but it already took me way 
too much time to do this simple thing. Just hope it may help people to 
start with.


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