Found some clue in
Using the Snippet code generator I was able to generate a build parameter
properties [[$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', parameterDefinitions: 
[[$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', defaultValue: false, description: 
'Force publish RPM artifacts to repository', name: 'FORCE_PUBLISH']]]]

If I want all branches to have this property, could I put it in my global 
script? I am trying to keep my Jenkinsfiles as DRY as possible.

Using the Snippet generator to "Prepare an environment for the run"
This is needed because of SECURITY-170, otherwised properties are not 
propagated to downstream builds.
It does not generate anything useful. Previously the result was empty 
whatever I put within "Properties Content". Now I only get
properties [<object of type org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.
This is what the snippet generator gives me for any of the choices, script, 
file or content.

onsdag 22. juni 2016 08.27.13 UTC+2 skrev Sverre Moe følgende:
> Each branch pipeline has their own config.xml. A standard pipeline job 
> does have support for parameterization. I think I read somewhere in Jenkins 
> JIRA that such properties should be defined in the Jenkinsfile and set for 
> the branch pipeline project on the first run. I am a bit unsure how to set 
> them. Cannot find a single example of this.
> I know how to set them programatically in the Script console for "regular" 
> projects.
>     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
>     builder.append("PROP1=true")
>     builder.append("\n")
>     builder.append("PROP2=true")
>     final def propertiesContent = builder.toString()
>     def info = new EnvInjectJobPropertyInfo(null, propertiesContent, null, 
> null, null, false)
>     def property = new EnvInjectJobProperty()
>     property.setOn(true)
>     property.setKeepJenkinsSystemVariables(true)
>     property.setKeepBuildVariables(true)
>     property.setInfo(info)
>     project.addProperty(property)
> mandag 13. juni 2016 10.20.55 UTC+2 skrev Sverre Moe følgende:
>> Either I am doing it wrong, or Multibranch pipeline has no way of sending 
>> parameters to downstream builds.
>> Considering that each branch within a multibranch pipeline seems to be a 
>> single Pipeline project and standard such Pipeline projects can be 
>> parameterized.
>> onsdag 8. juni 2016 12.42.01 UTC+2 skrev Sverre Moe følgende:
>>> Jenkins Pipeline can be parameterized, but not multibranch pipelines. 
>>> There is no option for "This build is parameterized" in the configuration 
>>> of a multibranch pipeline. Why is that?
>>> I have a multibranch project for each repository with multiple branches.
>>> ProjectA
>>>     master
>>>     develop
>>>     releaseX
>>> ProjectB
>>>     master
>>>     develop
>>>     releaseX
>>> In this case ProjectB has a dependency on ProjectA on the same branch.
>>> The Jenkinsfile is sparse, while the common main build logic is stored 
>>> in workflowLibs.git
>>> When a upstream project builds a dependent downstream project I need to 
>>> provide them with build parameters.
>>> def BUILD_PROJECT = "projectB"+"/"+env.BUILD_BRANCH
>>> build job: BUILD_PROJECT, parameters: [[$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', 
>>> name: 'UPSTREAM_TRIGGERED', value: true]]
>>> I have some logic in the main build script for when the build is 
>>> triggered by an upstream dependency.
>>> Not sure how I can do this since multibranch pipeline cannot be 
>>> parameterized.
>>> I have even tried withEnv, but it did not work
>>> withEnv(["UPSTREAM_TRIGGERED=true"]) {
>>>     def BUILD_PROJECT = "projectB"+"/"+env.BUILD_BRANCH
>>>     build BUILD_PROJECT
>>> }

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