I see there are two different points:

1) Securing your Jenkins instance
a)  Probably you could add some security policies:
   - https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Securing+Jenkins
   - https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Ownership-Based+security
b) Avoid granting privileges to the 'jenkins' user more than the required
c) Also you could develop a particular plugin to avoid running jobs which 
contains those particular rm -rf, although some evil might skip that and do 
something else...

2) Configuration Management tools
Regarding your authorized keys, if you use any kind of Configuration 
Management tools you might fix that easily as those systems won't be in the 
expected state and will be changed immediately or after a period of time.

Although I'll prefer to trust my users rather than stopping them/blocking 
them. But that's my point of view.


On Wednesday, 30 March 2016 20:33:50 UTC+1, Jason Hull wrote:
> Hi!
> How do I protect Jenkins from its own jobs and pipelines?
> For instance, I can create a freestyle job with a script step that does 
> something like:
> echo 'my own key' >> /home/jenkins/.ssh/authorized_keys
> Also, I can write a pipeline like:
> stage 'Destroy'
> 'rm -rf /home/jenkins'.execute
> echo 'Bye!'
> How to I prevent these types of malicious activities?
> Thanks!!
> Jason

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