It mainly depends of the usage you have of it.
There are some specific features (post build deployment, snapshots
dependencies) which aren't available in others jobs types.
The migration to freestyle jobs is probably the easiest one from now as you
may have a large part of maven job types features but you'll need some
manual configuration.
Using the workflow is a solution but for now it doesn't cover all
integrations with plugins (contributions are welcome) and thus it may be
blocker depending of the current usage you have of it

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Mark Bidewell <> wrote:

> In my current position, I inherited a Jenkins server that makes heavy use
> of the Maven Project Type and M2 Release Plugin.  As Jenkins is moving
> forward, I am now understanding why many people do not like that project
> type due to the shims needed to support Java 6 builds.
> What is the future of the Maven project type? should I be making plans to
> migrate from it?  If so what is the best alternative (right now I am
> thinking workflows)?
> Thanks
> --
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Arnaud Héritier
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