Yes, that's also my opinion, the issue is in the Rebuild Plugin.

And I'm thinking the cause was maybe reused involuntarily, since the
"contract" of the Rebuild Plugin has always been "*rebuild* a *parametrized
build* without entering the *parameters* again" and not to rebuild the last
build reusing all the bits.

I'll file a PR against Rebuild to see what the maintainers say. If
maintainers say it's too dangerous or something for backwards compatibility
reason then maybe another possible way could to add a switch to enable the
/new/ behaviour. Though it would also increase the config complexity.

-- Baptiste

2015-10-05 13:52 GMT+02:00 Walter Kacynski <>:

> I think that this is a problem with the rebuild plugin.  It should be
> adding a UserCause to the chain.  However, this would technically change
> the build if that build was relying on the state of how the build was
> triggered.  Maybe rebuild could annotate the SCM badge with a special note
> if BTB has also been installed.
> On Friday, October 2, 2015 at 3:45:16 PM UTC-4, Baptiste Mathus wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a maintainer on the buildtriggerbadge plugin (named BTB hereafter).
>> I've received a request from a user about the behaviour of my plugin wrt to
>> using rebuild. And I've found this is seemingly actually more a Rebuild
>> question to enable something in BTB in the end.
>> Here's the case:
>> * a build was triggered with say a SCM cause, hence the build has a SCM
>> badge thanks to BTB.
>> * Then the user clicks on "Rebuild last"
>> * the newly executed build, though manually started, has a SCM cause
>> badge. (Since Rebuild seems to also reuse the previous cause.)
>> So, the question is: as a user, would you indeed expect Rebuild to reuse
>> just everything like currently? Or better just reuse the parameters (, and
>> not somehow more internal things like the cause)?
>> To the Rebuild plugin maintainers: is this behaviour on purpose or
>> something that just never surfaced before?
>> Thanks a lot.
>> --
>> Baptiste
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Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS -
Sauvez un arbre,
Mangez un castor !

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