It almost feels like this should be pretty basic functionality, but thus 
far in my searches : no luck.

Looking to just get the Git commit counter.
I know I can use "git rev-list HEAD --count" from within the workspace, but 
for various reason I'm using groovy and need to set it as a parameter 
during build execution (using ParametersAction). Because of this, using 
system groovy, so running on master ... which means need to connect to 
slave ... so after massaging, came up with:

def git_count_cmd = "def proc = 'git rev-list HEAD --count'.execute(null, 
new File('${build.getProject().workspace.toString()}')); proc.waitFor(); 
println proc.text"
def git_counter = RemotingDiagnostics.executeGroovy(git_count_cmd, build.

But that just seems like a lot of work to get a Git commit counter ... did 
I over-complexify? Is there a simpler method?


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