Rinaldo DiGiorgio (2015-09-21 22:37):
Has anyone tried to enable javascript based language editors for all the times one can enter code in a Jenkins text area. I prefer to use SCM systems but the turn around time for that is too slow when doing development. It would be a big productivity boost to have a language editor be available. It might be possible to add support for pushing the code from the editor box to a repo to make data entry in the script area window part of the development process. I am looking for any past work or thought in this area.

I've used EditArea <http://www.cdolivet.com/editarea/> for editing shell scripts. You could integrate it (or some other syntax-highlighter) using Simple Theme Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Simple+Theme+Plugin>. You can see my implementation on Github <https://github.com/Eccenux/jenkins-scripts>. It has a flaw in that it only works for existing fields (I would have to hook some create-step event to prepare new fields), but in your case this shouldn't be a problem. You can just check on load if there is some specific parameter (e.g. with specific name-prefix) available in HTML and enhance it.


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