Martin, Jenkins and Perforce both have a concept of “workspace”. The Jenkins 
workspace is the folder that the job will run in. This will be named typically 
Remote Root/job name. Then Perforce has a “workspace”. Jenkins creates its own 
Perforce workspace based on the values you set in the Jenkins job. You do not 
need to create a workspace in Perforce first. Jenkins sets the root of its 
Perforce workspace to the Remote Root of the machine you are building on (again 
typically plus the job name). This is what you are seeing. It then pulls all 
the sources as defined in the view box into that folder location and you build 
from there.

If your build process is not relative to the root folder Jenkins creates (that 
means you reference files with absolute paths) then this will not work for you.

To get Jenkins to use the Perforce workspace you defined, you need to tell 
Jenkins NOT to manage the Perforce workspace, and to run in your folder, not 
the one it would normally use. To confuse things just a little, there are 2 
Perforce plugins. You appear to be using the one I do not use, so I can’t tell 
you how configure the Perforce plugin to do this.

Use the 'custom workspace' in the Advanced project option, and change the 
folder location to /home/abigail/p4/test/ to tell Jenkins where to run.

[] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 2:50 AM
To: Jenkins Users
Subject: Re: Jenkins Perforce workspace question

Hi, Iata:

Thanks for your detailed info. But I still have some questions.  To keep it 
simpler, I did the following:

I created a super simple test case. It would be great if you can point out 
where I may be wrong. I just want to have a simple test of using P4 Jenkins 
plugin.  My steps are below:
1) Following the P4 wizard, I created a workspace named "test", which point to 
the root of the directory /home/abigail/p4/test/test1 on my local machine.
    Please see the attached "p4-workspace.png"

2) In the P4 depot there are two projects, "test1" & "test2", and test1 maps to 
the workspace "test".
    Please see "p4-depot.png"

3) In Jenkins, I typed the workspace name "test" and the view map 
"//depot/test1/... //test/...".
    Please see "P4-jenkins.png"

4) admin@Jenkins:~$ p4 info
User name: admin
Client name: test
Client host: Jenkins
Client root: /home/abigail/p4/test/test1
Current directory: /home/admin
Peer address: ...
Client address: xx.xx.xx.xx
Server address: xx.xx.xx.xx:1666
Server root: /opt/p4d
Server date: 2015/07/22 01:42:32 -0400 EDT
Server uptime: 00:32:40
Server version: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2015.1/1171507 (2015/06/30)
Server license: none
Case Handling: sensitive

My Jenkins is installed by default /var/lib/jenkins/....

Event time the Jenkins build finishes, the root of the workspace "test" changes 
to "/var/lib/jenkins/..." from /home/abigail/p4/test/test1 on my local machine. 
This is not the right behavior, or not the good practice, right? I need the 
root directory "/home/abigail/p4/test/test1"  on my local machine because all 
my project resides in this directory, and I can sync with P4, but this root is 
not known by Jenkins, so it copies all files from my local workspace root 
directory to Jenkin's default installation location /var/lib/jenkins... for 
each build. I guess my setting of workspace root isn't quite right? But I just 
followed the P4 wizard to create the workspace, and I can syc with P4 
correctly. The problem is when Jenkins comes into play.

Please use simple or step-wise language to help me get this configured 
properly. This is a simple typical setup. I want to configure nothing Unique or 
Special. Thank you.

On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 5:41:43 AM UTC-4, lata wrote:
1) What's the problem here?

1. Jenkins Perforce Workspace at /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/...
- The name of this P4 workspace is whatever you have typed in the 'Workspace' 
field of your Jenkins project configuration -> Perforce section. I'm guessing 
you typed in 'jenkins_test'.
- The P4 root of this P4 Workspace would be relative to your slave's Remot Root 
or your Jenkins Master (if you are running your project directly on Jenkins 
Master, and not on a slave).
- Default behaviour is that Jenkins updates the P4 workspace with the Root and 
Host values, you can override this by checking the 'Don't update client 
workspace' option in the Advanced section.

2. Your Perforce workspace, 'jenkins_test', with root /home/maritn/p4/test
Jenkins is not aware that you have such a P4 workspace created, and that you 
want to use it. As mentioned above, it will override Root and Host unless you 
ask it not to.

Reco: 1. If you really can't go with the Jenkins chosen workspace to sync your 
p4 code to, don't use the option 'Don't update client workspace', instead use 
the 'custom workspace' in the Advanced project option, and change the workspace 
location to /home/martin/<somedir>, if you need to. Don't manage this Jenkins 
created P4 workspace outside this environment, let Jenkins manage it. (I'm 
assuming you can't get a slave machine, and need to run your jobs on the Master 
itself? Otherwise you can straightway set your Slave's remote root location to 
the right place that you want)
2. If you really need to use your Perforce client created outside for some 
reason, then use the command line within Jenkins config shell and do a manual 
sync such as P4 -c $yourclient

2) Does the user "jenkins" on Jenkins have anything to do with the Linux user 
who installed Jenkins and P4?

On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 3:36:32 PM UTC+8, Martin wrote:
Hello, it's the first time to setup Jenkins Perforce Plugin. I just wanted to 
setup a simple project to test the automatic build feature in Jenkins. On my 
local machine, my project is:


I created a workspace named jenkins_test, whose root is /home/martin/p4/test. I 
can test syncing with Perforce.

However, in Jenkins, whenever a build finishes, it changes my root directory of 
my workspace from /home/martin/p4/test to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/.... on the 
Jenkins machine. This isn't the expected behavior, right? Otherwise, I have to 
change the root of the workspace back to /home/maritn/p4/test on my local 
machine after each build.

In Jenkins, I created a user named "jenkins" and use that user name to login 
Jenkins to start the build and do the configure.

I have a few questions here:
1) What' the problem here?
2) Does the user "jenkins" on Jenkins have anything to do with the Linux user 
who installed Jenkins and P4?

Thank you for help.

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