I put below simple script in 'Execute shell' block,

*daemon --name=test-daemon -- sleep 200*
*sleep 60*

The process 'daemon' and 'sleep 200' should exit after 200 seconds the
'sleep' exits. The jenkins job will be finished in 60 secs.

*jenkins   9954  9950  0 21:48 ?        00:00:00 sleep 60*
*jenkins   9955     1  0 21:48 ?        00:00:00 daemon —name=test-daemon —
sleep 200*
*jenkins   9956  9955  0 21:48 ?        00:00:00 sleep 200*

Above is the process info queried via ps command. The father pid of daemon
is 1, not the script generated by jenkins.

But both the process 'daemon' and 'sleep 200' immediately exited when the
script finished.

It's something really strange. Does Jenkins automatically kill all child
processes forked by the script in build step? Did anybody suffer this
before? How did you resolve it?

p.s: Everything works fine if I ran above script in a linux shell.

Kane Zhu

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