I have a code snippet to create an empty workflow project.
def parent = Jenkins.getInstance()
def name = "Test_Name"
def project = parent.getItem(name)
if (project == null) {
project = parent.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, name)
} else print "[INFO] Project $name already exists. Will be updated."
project.setDescription("my description")
project.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition("print \"test\""))
project.addTrigger(new hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger("0 20 * * *"))
project.setBuildDiscarder(new hudson.tasks.LogRotator("", "5", "", ""))
I would like to add parameters to that project, something like:
project.addParameter(new StringParameter("name", "default", "description"))
but I cannot find a way how to actually do it.
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