Jacek, thanks for information and hint about the "mating".
We use matrix jobs for handling builds for different target platforms
(win32, linux, solaris, aix etc.). Currently we are copying these matrix
jobs for each development branch, but because they are almost the same,
we started to think about some way of reducing duplication. I started to
play with inheritance-plugin but quickly became blocked because I found
that it does not support matrix jobs. Now I plan to play with
template-plugin. Or maybe we will just accept the duplication, because
on the other hand it also gives us some benefits.
I am not sure what you want to achieve and i am not the expert on matrix jobs but i
believe you might want to have a look at "mating" in inheritance project.
But afaik you cannot mix inheritance and matrix type of jobs.
--End of answer to question.
Mating allows you to configure classes of projects, let's say class A(with
projects A1, A2 belonging to it) and B (with B1, B2) and then you can generate
a matrix of projects :
A1B1, A1B2, A2B1, A2B2. This works in a way that it generates a transient
projects which inherit from their parents, so A1B1 inherits from A1 and B1.
You can also configure compounds. This allows to define some parameters on
project A1 and B1. But even the author admits that it is too inflexible for
broader use.
But it has some cool features because you can have multiple children of the
same parent if you specify variance.
I am working to make it a bit more flexible so that you are able to:
1. Configure assigned label, to be able to specify nodes a compound will run on.
2. Change priorities of parameters, etc between two parents...
3. Update projects.
4. Fixing "Full build flow" to get the view of the fully derived job as seen by
The repository with this changes is here:
The problem with that is that the original maintainer seems dormant and does
not respond do emails, so i do not know if i am going towards the right
direction. At least I hope it would work for our project.
Our project has multiple branches we work on. Each branch has pretty much the
same job configurations as previous(we build 4 msvc variances on Windows, a few
jobs on Linux, OSX, iOS and for Android). It is probably around 10-20 projects
in single branch. We build the projects on ~10 slaves. Branching is a headache
currently because it requires copying so many projects and changing parameters
in each of them.
So what i want to achieve is to configure a class of project for a branch, that would
define a few parameters that are specific for this branch and "mate" it with 10
other projects that would contain configuration for Windows, Linux, etc...
Then branching a project would consist of copying the branch project, changing
parameters on it, and the rest would happen automatically.
But maybe I could achieve this using matrix projects? What are you doing to
solve this kind of problems? Does matrix allow to configure on which node will
a job run? Or set any other parameter?
Jacek Tomaka
Użytkownik "Łukasz Kurek" <wsze...@parasoft.com> napisał(a):
Temat: 'inheritance-plugin' vs. matrix jobs
Data: 2015-05-19 10:07
Nadawca: "Łukasz Kurek" <wsze...@parasoft.com>
Adresat: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com;
Hello all,
It seems for me that Jenkins 'inheritance-plugin' does not support
matrix jobs ("Multi-configuration projects"). But maybe I'm missing
something. Can anyone confirm that?
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