My apologies.  My description was wrong.  It makes it sound simpler than it
actually is, or at least it sounds simpler than the technique I'm actually
using to reboot a slave agent.

I reviewed the Jenkins job which I have that reboots a Windows machine in
hopes of reducing the number of times a job will fail due to "busy files".
In that job, I have an ant script which schedules a reboot soon after the
current time.  That allows the job which schedules the reboot to complete

It also requires that a subsequent job be configured to delay its start
long enough for the computer to reboot and reconnect the Jenkins slave.  I
suspect you'll need to make guesses and watch behavior to decide the length
of that delay.

The build.xml file for the reboot task contains this:

  <!-- StackOverflow special thanks for this technique -->
  <scriptdef name="generateguid" language="javascript">
    <attribute name="property" />
    <![CDATA[project.setProperty( attributes.get( "property" ),
java.util.UUID.randomUUID() );]]>

  <target name="reboot" description="Reboot this computer">
      <format property="current.time" pattern="HH:mm"/>
      <!-- Schedule reboot 1 minute from now -->
      <format property="reboot.time" pattern="HH:mm" offset="2"
    <echo>It is ${current.time}, rebooting at ${reboot.time}</echo>
    <generateguid property="guid" />
    <exec osfamily="windows" executable="schtasks.exe" failonerror="true">
      <arg value="/Create"/>
      <arg value="/RU"/> <arg value="Reboot"/> <!-- user name of an
Administrator user -->
      <arg value="/RP"/> <arg value=""/> <!-- insert the password of your
"Reboot" user -->
      <arg value="/SC"/> <arg value="Once"/>
      <arg value="/ST"/> <arg value="${reboot.time}"/>
      <arg value="/TN"/> <arg value="Reboot-${guid}"/>
      <arg value="/TR"/> <arg value="shutdown /r /t 2"/>

Mark Waite

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 1:28 AM Ankit Singhal <> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Thanks for the reply. Can you please help me in detailing the steps of
> doing it. I tried following
>    - Created a build-flow name " Start test"
>    - After that created 3 freestyle projects.
>    - Project1 : Before Reboot
>    - Command: echo "Before Reboot"
>    - Project 2 : Reboot
>    - Command : shutdown /r /t 0
>    - Project 3  : After reboot
>    - Command : echo "after reboot"
>    - Then run the above 3 projects from build-flow
>    - The "Start test" project fails after project 2 runs as the node goes
>    offline.
>  Is there anyway to wait project 3 , till the node comes back online.
> Regards
> Ankit
> On Friday, April 24, 2015 at 7:22:32 AM UTC+5:30, Mark Waite wrote:
>> When I've needed to run something on a freshly booted machine,
>> particularly as part of a series of jobs, I've generally been able to do
>> that by partitioning the work into multiple jobs, with the job which must
>> execute on the newly booted slave being configured to run on the slave.
>> A single job can't run successfully on the slave node being rebooted
>> (during the reboot), because, as you note, it will fail the job.  Multiple
>> jobs allow you to have the job wait for the slave agent to become
>> available, then it immediately starts the job.
>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 12:27 PM Ankit Singhal <>
>> wrote:
> Hi
>>> I need some help in solving the reboot problem.
>>> The Workflow is as follows:
>>> 1) Project 1 creates a Windows Installable package.
>>> 2) Project 2 is called once the Project1 is completed and Package is
>>> pushed to Slave associated with Project 2.
>>> 3) Project 2 now runs some commands on Slave 2
>>> Command 1 : Install Package on Slave 2
>>> Command 2 : Run some commands to enable the software.
>>> Command 3 : Reboot the machine.
>>> 4) This might break the Job running in Project 2.
>>> 5) After reboot , we need to run some more commands on Slave 2 to run
>>> some more tests.
>>> 6) After tests are completed , the full Job in Project 2 is done.
>>> In nutshell , how to handle the reboot scenario , so that the job is not
>>> broken in between.
>>> Regards
>>> Ankit
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