On February 16, 2015 10:02:15 AM GMT, sebastien.barthel...@gmail.com wrote:
>Hello Pedro,
>On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 1:57:36 AM UTC+1, Pedro Algarvio wrote:
>> I've only started to read through the documentation and have not yet
>> in to get a workflow job configured because I fail to see support for
>> needed features and/or plugins, one of which is junit tests
>This tutorial explains how to use the junit plugin from workflow:
>I just converted one matrix project to workflow with this groovy
>String[] release_types = ['debug', 'release']
>for (int i = 0; i < release_types.size(); ++i) {
>  String release_type = release_types[i]
>  node("qibuild-linux64") {
>    echo "release_type: ${release_type}"
>    env.release_type = release_type
>    sh "build.py"
>    step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: 'tests/*/*.xml'])
>  }
>I does work: tests are run for both values of "release_type" and their 
>results get aggregated.
>However, I've not found yet how to "tag" the tests with the
>"release_type", as matrix does. Sso currently when one test fails, I
>know if it was from the release or debug run. (I can find it out by 
>checking the log though).
>hope it helps.
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Hello Sebastien.

Thank you for your reply.

I'm really interested on getting the aggregated results but I also need to know 
where they are coming from, similar to your debug vs release dilemma.

I've also kind of set aside the workflow plugin because I need to be able to 
trigger builds from GitHub hooks, which is not yet supported I believe....

Pedro Algarvio @ Phone

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