You can’t reboot (in our case we revert VM’s to a clean snapshot) from a job 
running on the test machine itself. We use a job running on the master that 
issues commands to VM server that reverts it. we use the Jenkins CLI commands 
“wait-node-offline” and “wait-node-online” while we do this.

If you do not have some other way of talking to the slave, you might try using 
3 jobs: job 1 runs on the SUT and issues the shutdown dos command. If you use 
“start shutdown /r” control should return to your job before the machine goes 
away. Job 2 runs on the master and waits for the node to come back online with 
the CLI command. 3rd job runs on the SUT and completes the installation or runs 

[] On Behalf Of Tomas Pekarovic
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 2:23 AM
Subject: Connection lost during build execution

Hi All....

we're using jenkins with slaves to execute automation tests on remote machines. 
Slaves are configured to connect to master and master build steps are executing 
against this slaves.

Server (Execution of tests using slaves)

Slave1 (windows XP)
Slave2 (windowx 7)
Slave3 (windows 8.1)
(ALL slaves are windows machines)

Server starts builds on Slave1, Slave2 and Slave3....

3rd build step is to install SUT (System under test)  ....
SUT is application that drop network interface and gets it up during 
installation (av software)..... When this happen Jenkins lost connection to 
slaves and end test as FAILURE.

Is there any possibility how to handle this situation?
eg.   Don't FAIL and wait for next N-minutes to get slave up.
(This means... start  *.bat file on remote slave... and wait for N-minutes even 
if connection is lost... fail after N-minutes)

We're using slaves that are connected through commandline  java -jar 
.....slave.jar -jnuplURL jenkinshost:8080/slaveName/.....  (because we need to 
interact with GUI/Desktop)

I really can't find way how to handle this situation. Thank you in advance.

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