Thanks so much Terry for your help,

indeed I realized that in the command line:

java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl 
-secret <long_hex_string>

the <master_node> string was missing the domain, so I changed this information 
Jenkins-> Configuration->Jenkins URL

and I added the domain name also to the master hostname input. I solved the 
problem SSLHandshakeException. However, there is still a problem while trying 
to launch the application from the web. 
When I try to launch it still I get an exception:

      at Source)

On the other hand when execurting the command manually (java -jar slave.jar 
-jnplUrl https:.....) I get the message:

Failing to obtain  
 doesn't look like a JNPL file; content
type was text/html; charset=utf-8

Would you have any hint concerning this issue?

Thanks so much indeed

El martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014 12:28:12 UTC+1, Patricia Mendez Lorenzo 
> Hello all,
> just arriving to this forum, nice to be here. I have a quetion, maybe you 
> can help me. I am trying to add a windows slave to my jenkins instance. I 
> am following the instructions included in "Launch Java Web Start slave 
> agent via Windows Scheduler". The master node has a proper SSL certificate, 
> however when lauching the command: 
> java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl 
> https://<master_node>:443/computer/<slave_windows_hostname>/slave-agent.jnlp 
> -secret <long_hex_string>
> (executed inside the windows slave) it tells me:
> Exception in thread "main" 
> No subject alternative DNS name 
> matching <master server name> found
> would you have an indea about what's going worng and how to solve this issue?
> Thanks so much!
> Best
> Patricia

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