seems that the solutiion is to have Poll SCM set, but have polling schedule 
empty. this allows for gerrit hook to work with git plugin push 
notification and seems not to cause configuration conflicts.

On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 5:57:13 PM UTC-4, Eugene Sajine wrote:
> well, not so shiny;) 
> so when the poll was switched off the server calmed down and stopped 
> repolling and rebuilding. BUt in the same time i los the ability to trigger 
> build in case of direct push to the 'my_branch' using gerrit post-receive 
> hook and git plugin push notification, because there is no jobs that using 
> polling. 
> On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 4:23:52 PM UTC-4, Eugene Sajine wrote:
>> thank you, but i made this typo when i was writing down the message - i 
>> didn't copy/paste settings as the server is actually behind firewall
>> Currently i narrowed it down to the fact that i had gerrit event trigger 
>> configured together with the Poll scm trigger and those seem to be 
>> conflicting settings. It was causing Jenkins to poll much more often then 
>> it had to. Currently it is all quieted down and my life seems to be good 
>> again;)
>> On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 3:06:51 PM UTC-4, Baptiste Mathus wrote:
>>> Not yet checked our config since we also use that plugin, but just a 
>>> quick drop: isn't it a typo in:
>>> Branches to build = $GERIT_BRANCH
>>> Missing a r in GERRIT, maybe that's part of the issue?
>>> My 2 cents
>>> 2014-09-10 18:24 GMT+02:00 Eugene Sajine <>:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> my settings are:
>>>> build property GERRIT_REFSPEC = refs/heads/my_branch
>>>> Git repository refspec = $GERRIT_REFSPEC
>>>> Branches to build = $GERIT_BRANCH
>>>> Strategy = Gerrit Trigger
>>>> Gerrit event: repo plain repos name, branch plain "my_branch"
>>>> the problem: 
>>>> Everytimte the poll is triggered (not by Gerrit event, but by gerrit 
>>>> hook upon direct push to the repo) it finds same 1 commit as a change and 
>>>> triggers the build. 
>>>> what i would like to achieve is to make JEnkins to build only in case 
>>>> if there are changes submitted for review for branch my_branch and in case 
>>>> if thereis a direct push into this branch. Nothing else shoudl trigger the 
>>>> buid
>>>> any ideas are appreciated
>>>> Thanks!
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>>>> Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS -
>>>> Sauvez un arbre,
>>>> Mangez un castor ! nbsp;! 

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