if there's no password required:
sample source: 
"runas /user:administrator C:\data\mybatchfile.bat"

you can try using psexec, however I have never used in on localhost

psexec \\localhost -u admin -p password "echo zonk"

your best bet and go to tool though is powershell:
sample source: 

$user = "username"$pass = "password" | convertto-securestring -asplaintext 
-force$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 
-argumentlist $user, $pass

$list = get-content C:\list.txt

foreach($item in $list){

$session = new-pssession $item -Credential $cred

invoke-command -Session $session {desired thing here}

W dniu poniedziałek, 18 sierpnia 2014 14:57:50 UTC+2 użytkownik Brian C 
> hi, is this possible?
> we are trying to create a job, that updates the logon details for services 
> in windows 7.
> for instance we would like to change the DB2COPY1 login details with a new 
> password.
> however our master does not login to the slave using the admin account. 
> looking to see if its possible, any replies appreciated, thanks for 
> reading.

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