I have previously used the Jenkins CLI to create a new job from a template. 
However, (known issue) I am unable to copy Promoted Builds steps as part of 
this. So I have gone down the path of trying to robocopy the template job 
to a new job name, and search/replace values within. For some reason 
Jenkins is not picking up the new job.
Here are the basic steps my script is executing

   1. Robocopy "\\$JenkinsServer\jobs\$TemplateJob" "
   \\$JenkinsServer\jobs\$NewBuildJobName" *.* /E /XD .git /XF *.log
   2. Then using Powershell: replace "##RELEASEVERSION##" flag with my new 
   release version (ie. v17)
   3. Then using Powershell: replace "<disabled>true</disabled>" with 
   4. Then write the xml file back out to "
   5. I then look "\\$JenkinsServer\jobs\$jobname\promotions" and iterate 
   through each promotion level
   6. I replace "<project>$templateJobName</project>" with 
   7. I then try to use the CLI to reload-configuration (which doesn't work 
   for me, so I do it manually in the UI)
      1. Doesn't work: java -jar ..\bin\jenkins-cli.jar -s "
      http://$JenkinsServer/"; reload-configuration  --username $UserName 
      --password $Password
Once I reload configuration, Jenkins does not see and pick up the new 
build. I have not been able to find any other config files where build jobs 
are stored/configuration apart from the jobs folder.
One thing I have noticed through a folder compare with BeyondCompare, is 
that the new files are Unicode, and not UTF-8, could have be causing my 
Jenkins issues?
For fun, I have attached my script, if you have any feedback/suggestions 
I'm all ears.

A couple functions in the script take a parameter $JenkinsServer, which 
defaults to localhost, you will need to update as per your environment.

Set these values as per your needs
$ReleaseVersion = "v1.0"
$ProjectToBuild = "MyNewProject"

You have a 'template' job created in the naming format of "template-JobName"
You run Powershell as an Admin

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Attachment: Functions_JenkinsAutomation2.ps1
Description: Binary data

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