
I'm currently having what sounds to me like the same issue. Since this 
topic occurred over a year ago I'm hopping there is a solution by now. Here 
are the details of the issue I'm having. Thanks in advance for your help!!

Jenkins 1.5.10
Jenkins-Clearcase Plugin 1.5
Windows 7

When Config spec field under Project->Configure->Soucre Code Managermen 
matches the config spec of the View Tag, the SCM Poll does not trigger a 
build, but when config spec of the View Tag does not match the Jenkins 
Project's config spec, a build is triggered each time the poll runs. See 
Base ClearCase Polling Logs below.

The other issue is that changes to the ClearCase VOB are not being detected 
and/or build not triggered. If I enter the command found in the log 
(below), at the cleartool command line, it shows the files that were 

lshistory -all -since 19-may-14.00:21:25utc+0000 -fmt '\"%Nd\" \"%u\" 
\"%En\" \"%Vn\" \"%e\" \"%o\" \n%c\n' -branch brtype:dev3.0 -nco 

Base ClearCase Polling Log

Started on May 18, 2014 8:06:24 PM
Checking if build is running
Checking if a build has already happened
Checking if revision state is known
Checking if we have a build with a valid workspace
*************************** get view CSPEC ***********************
[tester] $ cleartool catcs -tag plord_HnwTester_working_view
element * CHECKEDOUT

# ----- LABEL ------------
#element * HNW_3.0_00.04.06
#element * HNW_3.0_00.06.09

# -----AI BRANCH ------------
#element * .../dev3.0/ai0603/LATEST
#element * /main/dev3.0/LATEST -mkbranch ai0603

# -----PTR BRANCH ------------
#element * .../dev3.0/ptr0677/LATEST
#element * /main/dev3.0/LATEST -mkbranch ptr0677

# ----- DEV BRANCH ------------
element * .../dev3.0/LATEST
element * /main/LATEST -mkbranch dev3.0

#----- MAIN LATEST --------------
element default_config_spec /main/LATEST
element *.doc /main/LATEST
element *.ppt /main/LATEST
element *.xls /main/LATEST
element *.mdb /main/LATEST
element *.pdf /main/LATEST
element *.mdl /main/LATEST
element *.ptl /main/LATEST
element *.cat /main/LATEST
element *.vsd /main/LATEST
element *.docx /main/LATEST
element *.pptx /main/LATEST
element *.xlsx /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/HNW/Bin/..." /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/HNW/CFE/..." /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/HNW/COTS/..." /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/HNW/Tools/..." /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/Test/..." /main/LATEST
element "Documents/..." /main/LATEST

[WARNING] CSPEC configured != catcs (view)
REASON: New config spec detected.
Done. Took 0.28 sec
Changes found

Base ClearCase Polling Log

Started on May 18, 2014 8:26:24 PM
Checking if build is running
Checking if a build has already happened
Checking if revision state is known
Checking if we have a build with a valid workspace
*************************** get view CSPEC ***********************
[tester] $ cleartool catcs -tag plord_HnwTester_working_view
element * CHECKEDOUT

# ----- LABEL ------------
#element * HNW_3.0_00.04.06
#element * HNW_3.0_00.06.09

# -----AI BRANCH ------------
#element * .../dev3.0/ai0603/LATEST
#element * /main/dev3.0/LATEST -mkbranch ai0603

# -----PTR BRANCH ------------
#element * .../dev3.0/ptr0677/LATEST
#element * /main/dev3.0/LATEST -mkbranch ptr0677

# ----- DEV BRANCH ------------
element * .../dev3.0/LATEST
element * /main/LATEST -mkbranch dev3.0

#----- MAIN LATEST --------------
element default_config_spec /main/LATEST
element *.doc /main/LATEST
element *.ppt /main/LATEST
element *.xls /main/LATEST
element *.mdb /main/LATEST
element *.pdf /main/LATEST
element *.mdl /main/LATEST
element *.ptl /main/LATEST
element *.cat /main/LATEST
element *.vsd /main/LATEST
element *.docx /main/LATEST
element *.pptx /main/LATEST
element *.xlsx /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/HNW/Bin/..." /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/HNW/CFE/..." /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/HNW/COTS/..." /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/HNW/Tools/..." /main/LATEST
element "/wint-ng/Test/..." /main/LATEST
element "Documents/..." /main/LATEST

Checking view validity
[tester] $ cleartool lsview plord_HnwTester_working_view
* plord_HnwTester_working_view 

[tester] $ cleartool startview plord_HnwTester_working_view

Checking if there are changes in history
[tester] $ cleartool lsview plord_HnwTester_working_view
* plord_HnwTester_working_view 

[tester] $ cleartool startview plord_HnwTester_working_view

[m_] $ cleartool lshistory -all -since 19-may-14.00:21:25utc+0000 -fmt 
'\"%Nd\" \"%u\" \"%En\" \"%Vn\" \"%e\" \"%o\" \n%c\n' -branch brtype:dev3.0 
Done. Took 2 sec
No changes


On Wednesday, February 29, 2012 4:31:35 PM UTC-5, Justin Bailey wrote:
> xJom,
> Thanks for taking a look. The lshistory command returns three changed 
> files in my example:
> "20120228.105103" "baileyj" "C:\Users\baileyj\.jenkins\jobs\Build 
> OF012\workspace\baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson\web2000\mm_app\we\sdk\test\autoload\InstallOF.ps1"
>  "\main\of011\of012\1" "create version" "checkin" 
> "20120228.105049" "baileyj" "C:\Users\baileyj\.jenkins\jobs\Build 
> OF012\workspace\baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson\web2000\mm_app\we\sdk\test\autoload\InstallOF.ps1"
>  "\main\of011\of012\0" "create version" "mkbranch" 
> "20120228.105049" "baileyj" "C:\Users\baileyj\.jenkins\jobs\Build 
> OF012\workspace\baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson\web2000\mm_app\we\sdk\test\autoload\InstallOF.ps1"
>  "\main\of011\of012" "create branch" "mkbranch" 
> But Jenkins says "No Changes." I am not sure why the timestamp for the 
> query is given in UTC, but shouldn't the plugin see those three files? 
> On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:19:37 PM UTC-8, xJom wrote:
>> Hi Justin!
>> It seems to me like your "lshistory"-command refers forward in time.
>> Jenkins starts the poll on Feb 28, 2012 10:51:23 AM and asks for changes 
>> since 28-feb-12.18:50:24utc+0000
>> There must be some time settings either in Jenkins or your 
>> ClearCase-server. It doesn't say where you are located, if you really are 8 
>> hours behind UTC?
>> Try to run the lshistory command on the command line, and see what time 
>> stamp you have to put in to detect the change.
>> /M
>> 2012/2/28 Justin Bailey <jgba...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
>>> I am using the "base" ClearCase plugin with a snapshot view, and it 
>>> refuses to detect changes.The polling log even shows the changes, but the 
>>> plugin still reports "No Changes":
>>> Started on Feb 28, 2012 10:51:23 AM
>>> [baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson] $ "c:\Program 
>>> Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\bin\cleartool" pwv -root
>>> C:\Users\baileyj\.jenkins\jobs\Build 
>>> OF012\workspace\baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson
>>> [workspace] $ "c:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\bin\cleartool" 
>>> lsview baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson
>>>   baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson 
>>> \\ds-wccreg2.ds.ad.foo.com\viewstore\DS\baileyj\baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson.vws
>>> [baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson] $ "c:\Program 
>>> Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\bin\cleartool" lshistory -all -since 
>>> 28-feb-12.18:50:24utc+0000 -fmt '\"%Nd\" \"%u\" \"%En\" \"%Vn\" \"%e\" 
>>> \"%o\" \n%c\n' -branch brtype:of012 -nco web2000\of_app\of
>>> "20120228.105103" "baileyj" "C:\Users\baileyj\.jenkins\jobs\Build 
>>> OF012\workspace\baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson\web2000\mm_app\we\sdk\test\autoload\InstallOF.ps1"
>>>  "\main\of011\of012\1" "create version" "checkin" 
>>> "20120228.105049" "baileyj" "C:\Users\baileyj\.jenkins\jobs\Build 
>>> OF012\workspace\baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson\web2000\mm_app\we\sdk\test\autoload\InstallOF.ps1"
>>>  "\main\of011\of012\0" "create version" "mkbranch" 
>>> "20120228.105049" "baileyj" "C:\Users\baileyj\.jenkins\jobs\Build 
>>> OF012\workspace\baileyj_master_Build_OF012_hudson\web2000\mm_app\we\sdk\test\autoload\InstallOF.ps1"
>>>  "\main\of011\of012" "create branch" "mkbranch" 
>>> Done. Took 0.81 sec
>>> No changes
>>> As you can see, the file InstallOF.ps1 has changes yet the plugin 
>>> reports "No Changes". 
>>> I am using Jenkins v1.451 and the ClearCase plugin v1.3.7 on Windows 7. 
>>> Can anyone help? Thanks!
>>> Justin

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