That very well could be the problem.


Sent from my NOOK

Les Mikesell <> wrote:

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Jeff Dege <> wrote:
> According to the help description, List Subversion tags is supposed to:
> Notice that you can set the Repository URL field to a Subversion repository
> root rather than just pointing to a tags dir (ie, you can set it to
>;rather than
> In that case, if this repository root
> contains the trunk, branchesand tags folders, then the dropdown will allow
> the user to pick the trunk, or a branch, or a tag.
> I have a repository that contains a number of different projects, each of
> which has a ./trunk, ./branch, ./tag structure. When I set the Repository
> URL to the root of a project, I only see branch, tag, trunk, I don't see the
> branches in ./branch or the tags in ./tag.
> Is this only supposed to work when the URL is pointing to a repository root?
> Do many people actually create a separate repository for each and every
> project? I'd not have expected so.
> Or is this a bug? Or am I simply doing something wrong?

I don't know much java, but I'd guess it has something to do with:

 private static final String SVN_BRANCHES = "branches";
 private static final String SVN_TAGS = "tags";
 private static final String SVN_TRUNK = "trunk";
(per usual subversion conventions) in:

Functionally, subversion doesn't really care what your directories are
named, but sometimes conventions matter.

   Les Mikesell

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