Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Stephen Morrison <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I've have a large pool of environments shared between multiple development
> teams (identified by a common shared label).  At the moment, I have written
> groovy which selects a number of environments from the pool (The exact
> number dependent on how high a priority the test run is), and then assigns
> a unique label to those selected environments.  That label is used for
> executing the test suite in parallel... i.e. test groups are farmed out to
> those nodes to decrease total test run time.  After all tests have run, the
> nodes are put back into the pool (by clearing the unique label).
> This works reasonably well... except for the times when label updates to
> nodes don't "stick".
> The code I use is:
> def theNode = Jenkins.getInstance().getNode(aNode.getDisplayName());
> theNode.setLabelString(aLabelString);
> // tried with and without the save - makes no difference
> Jenkins.getInstance().save();
> 9 times out of 10 that works, but intermittently the label on the node
> doesn't change, and instead just stays the same as it was.  Am I doing
> something wrong here?
> I have also noticed that if I look for all nodes belonging to a label by
> going to http//MYJENKINS/jenkins/label/THELABEL, it can often take some
> time for nodes newly assigned to the label to show up - Is there some sort
> of global refresh that I need to be doing when labels are updated?
> Regards
> Stephen
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