I would update the plugin. There was a fix I in 2.35 related to this: 

2.35 (October 12, 2013) 

    • Refactored descriptor to follow recommended method 
    • Added tests for global config default values 
    • Updated to latest LTS for parent version 
    • Updated exclusion list to be for full email list, not just committers 
    • Fixed issue with email-ext not restoring values for some fields if no 
triggers were configured ( issue #15442 ) 
    • Fixed issue where the project could be null ( issue #14338 ) 

----- Original Message -----
From: sonar...@gmail.com 
To: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 7:31:07 AM 
Subject: Re: Editable Email Notification parameters are not saved 

Email extension 2.34 

Here is a pic of the configuration, I have :) 

Le vendredi 21 mars 2014 11:56:19 UTC, sona...@gmail.com a écrit : 

Hi everyone, 

I am trying to modify the default parameters in "Editable Email Notification" 
section in post builds actions of a job. Modifications are simply NOT saved. 

Here is what is shown by default: 

Project Recipient List: $DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS 
Project Reply-To List: $DEFAULT_REPLYTO 
Content Type: Default Content Type 
Default Subject: $DEFAULT_SUBJECT 
Default Content: $DEFAULT_CONTENT 

I want to change the value of "Project Recipient List" and "Default Content". I 
tried to click on "Apply" then on "Saved" but it doesn't work. 

I am using Jenkins ver. 1.532.2 

Can anybody help me on this? 

Best regards and thanks! 

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