Resurrecting this thread as I'm stuck in a similar situation of running 
Jenkins in an environment without access to the internet.  I'm using to generate and 
retrieve the data for the update center, but validation of the json files 
is causing a bit of a headache.  A minor issue that I'll tackle later (and 
am scripting around for now) is that the url's for the plugins are wrong 
for my environment (the json blob that's created for each 
 pointing at the default update site

It looks like the signatureCheck variable was removed as of 1.502 by this 

The tests were updated to use the new updateDirectly() method and are able 
to bypass signature validation of the update center json file, but it looks 
like there's no longer an easy way to disable the validation when running 
Jenkins "normally".  Is there a recommended way to disable signature 

I realize the correct approach is to set up the trust chain, but I haven't 
had a chance to look in detail at how it's built.  At first glance, it 
seems like it includes the certs distributed in the 
any certs in the update-center-rootCAs directory under 

On Thursday, August 8, 2013 8:04:16 AM UTC-7, Jan Seidel wrote:
> OK, i figured out that this is connected to the signature check which I 
> want to get rid of anyways.
> As I learned was one nifty solution to add a file named *init.groovy* to 
> JENKINS_HOME with the content:
> *try{  // disable verification of signature of JSON file from update 
> center  hudson.model.UpdateSite.signatureCheck = false;  print "Disabled 
> signature check for update site\n";}catch (MissingPropertyException e){  // 
> ignore as is if no signature check flag is present, no signature check is 
> done anyway  print "No flag for signature check present\n";}*
> That worked at least until 1.509 but not anymore :(
> I'm trying to figure out if there is a new implementation which allows to 
> turn of signature check via boolean value. But no luck so far.
> Well, I am no skilled programmer.
> Has someone eventually a hint?
> Cheers
> Jan

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