Hm... I cannot run your screen cast. 

The error msg is:

Java Plugin Needed
You need the java plugin <http://java.com> to watch this screencast.

However, I have java plugin installed and configured.

*% java -version*
java version "1.6.0_27"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.12.6) (6b27-1.12.6-1ubuntu0.10.04.4)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)

*% update-alternatives --display java*
java - auto mode
 link currently points to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java - priority 1061
 slave java.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/man/man1/java.1.gz
Current `best' version is /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java.

Please also refer to the attached screen shot.

What am I missing here?

Again, thank you so much, mark.

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:19:05 PM UTC-5, Mark Waite wrote:
> http://bit.ly/jenkins-in-five-minutes is a 5 minute screencast I created 
> a few years ago.  That screencast shows how test results are typically 
> presented in Jenkins.  Sorry for the boring introductory material in the 
> first minute or two...
> There are a number of locations on the web which define the JUnit format, 
> but I think you may be happier if you find a perl module which will write 
> JUnit format for you, without requiring that you understand JUnit format.
> For example, 
> http://damien.krotkine.com/2009/11/25/perl-tests-in-hudson-via-junit.html 
> describes 
> alternatives for Perl test reporting in a way that Jenkins can use.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4095680/how-can-i-run-perl-tests-and-merge-the-results-with-junit-reports-in-ant
>  may 
> also be helpful.
> Both of those have the benefit that you don't need to learn the JUnit 
> output format.  The format is not hard to write, but why not reuse someone 
> else's implementation...
> Mark Waite
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Charley Yen <charl...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> I should be the one to apologize for not having made myself clear.
>> What is the JUnit format? Could you show me an example?
>> Yes, I can write my tool to produce any formats to feed jenkins. My 
>> problem is I don't know WHAT format my tool should produce. I need a sample 
>> data file to show me the format, either CSV or XML. 
>> BTW, I don't know much about Java and/or JUnit. I just want to have 
>> jenkins plot a pie chart after EACH run of my tool which is implemented in 
>> perl.
>> Please show me a sample data file. for instance, would the following 
>> formats work?
>> CSV:
>> pass,fail,skip
>> 90%,2%,8%
>> XML:
>> <pass>90%</pass>
>> <fail>2%</fail>
>> <skip>8%</skip> 
>> If they work, what configurations do I need to do in "Post-build 
>> Actions"? Please show me the screen shots.
>> For the links ou gave me, I wish I could see the configure page.
>> Again, thank you so much, mark, for your time, effort, and help! 
>> On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 11:28:56 AM UTC-5, Mark Waite wrote:
>>> I'm sorry, but I still don't understand what you're hoping to gain from 
>>> a pie based representation of the data.  What is in a pie based 
>>> representation that is not already available in the Jenkins test results 
>>> history graph on the right hand side?  That existing graph shows percent 
>>> passed, percent failed, and also shows the history of those values across 
>>> builds.  It also already includes a number of nice navigation features 
>>> (show failures only, show failures and successes, click to open a specific 
>>> job, etc.)
>>> Since you control the format which you are writing from your test tool, 
>>> you could as easily write JUnit format as any other format.  If you write 
>>> JUnit format, then Jenkins will show the history of the test pass / fail 
>>> percentages and will allow you to select any one of the tests to see more 
>>> information about that test run, including which specific tests failed. 
>>>  You would have the percentage pass / fail information you want for the 
>>> most recent test run, plus a historical view of past test runs.  You also 
>>> gain the benefit that other tools and plugins which can read JUnit format 
>>> test results may be able to help you even further.
>>> That section of the Jenkins Cookbook is describing the plot plugin.  If 
>>> you're still determined that you must have a pie chart, then you could 
>>> refer to the source code of the Plot plugin to reverse engineer the data 
>>> formats it will consume.  https://github.com/jenkinsci/plot-plugin is 
>>> the source code, I believe.
>>> Mark Waite
>>> On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 8:25 AM, Charley Yen <charl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thank you, Mark.
>>>> I visited the link you gave me. But I don't see any charts/plots there. 
>>>> Maybe I misunderstood you?
>>>> My tests are not JUnit tests.
>>>> Here is what we do at work:
>>>> I developed a cmdline test tool in perl. This tool tests whether our 
>>>> nightly builds (in perforce, mainly c codes at kernel level) can be 
>>>> installed on 100+ Linux hosts. So it is merely a smoke test.
>>>> My tool can compile a report in html format which lists pass/fail/skip 
>>>> on every host with links to the detailed log files.
>>>> I have configured my test tool run through Jenkins. What I am trying to 
>>>> do now is as follows:
>>>> Besides publish the html report, it would be nice to draw a pie chart 
>>>> to show the results visually, such as 90% pass (in green), 2% fail (in 
>>>> red) 
>>>> and 8% skipped (in yellow).
>>>> But I don't know --
>>>> 1) How to format the data for Jenkins to use? CSV of XML? Please show 
>>>> me smaple files.
>>>> 2) What plugin to use? I guess it might be either plot plugin or 
>>>> dashboard view plugin?
>>>> 3) How to configure my jenkins to read the data file? Please show me 
>>>> what-to-do/how-to-do step by step with screen shots. All I know is that 
>>>> this has to be done in "Post-build Actions" stage. 
>>>> In addition, I have read this book: "Jenkins Continous Integration 
>>>> Cookbook" by Alan Mark Berg:
>>>> http://s1.downloadmienphi.net/file/downloadfile7/171/1380449.pdf
>>>> The book has an example and I could make it work on my jenkins. 
>>>> However, the book also says (pp. 91):
>>>> "There are currently two other data formats that you can use: XML and 
>>>> CSV. However, until the online help clearly explains the structures used, 
>>>> I 
>>>> would recommend staying with the properties format."
>>>> That's exactly what I need, I guess. :(
>>>> Again, thank you, Mark. Your help is highly appreciated. Have a 
>>>> wonderful 2014.
>>>> Charley
>>>> On Monday, December 30, 2013 2:58:09 PM UTC-5, Mark Waite wrote:
>>>>> Jenkins has built-in support to read the results of JUnit tests from 
>>>>> JUnit XML result files, and displays those results.  Many tools are able 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> write JUnit XML test result files (Java unit test libraries, C++ unit 
>>>>> test 
>>>>> libraries, Ruby unit test libraries, Python unit test libraries, etc.)  
>>>>> If 
>>>>> you can write your results in an XML format that is compatible with JUnit 
>>>>> XML, then Jenkins will display the results without any plugins.
>>>>> I don't know what you're hoping to gain from a pie chart presentation 
>>>>> of the test results.  If you truly require a pie chart, you may need to 
>>>>> investigate one of the charting plugins.  I'd suggest first that you look 
>>>>> at the existing Jenkins test results displays.  They probably already 
>>>>> meet 
>>>>> your needs.
>>>>> An example of the Jenkins unit test results is visible at:
>>>>> https://buildhive.cloudbees.com/job/MarkEWaite/job/git-plugi
>>>>> n/59/testReport/
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Mark Waite
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Charley Yen <charl...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20787761/need-help-guidance-on-jenkins-plot-plugin-setup-and-configure#>
>>>>>> I am new to Jenkins and need some help to configure it so that it can 
>>>>>> display my test results in pie chart.
>>>>>> It's my first time being here and still getting to know this group so 
>>>>>> if someone has already asked the same or similar question before, my 
>>>>>> apology. I actually did a search. But still, I could have missed the 
>>>>>> previous posts.
>>>>>> I have a tool to run a smoke test which is to install a piece of 
>>>>>> software on multiple hosts. And my tool can keep track the number of 
>>>>>> passed/failed/skipped installations. I want to display the test 
>>>>>> statistics 
>>>>>> in a pie chart on jenkins. What plug-ins am I supposed to use? What kind 
>>>>>> of 
>>>>>> data file am I supposed to provide? Please show me step by step with 
>>>>>> data 
>>>>>> file format and the screen shots.I guess I should generate either csv or 
>>>>>> xml files. But I don't know what the exact formats in either file. And I 
>>>>>> don't know how to configure my jenkins to read this file. I don't even 
>>>>>> know 
>>>>>> what plugin I should use, plot plugin or dashboard plugin or something 
>>>>>> else?
>>>>>> I hope I have made myself clear and your help is highly appreciated.
>>>>>> -- 
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