Not sure how have the exact same "checkout" multiple times is useful (most
of my jobs modify the workspace so I need to isolate them from each other
-> separate workspace == separate "checkouts").

OTOH, I was also interested to save on disk space when it comes to large
git repos cloned multiple times. Note that I mean "clone" not "checkout".

So, an easy/safe enough solution to reduce waste of duplicate clones:
1) have 1 proper clone of the big repo on each slave - just by create a
dumb "mirror" job with no build steps, just to keep the clone up to date
2) the actual jobs use the "Reference" repo option: although the main clone
location can be still be the central server, you point to that workspace of
the mirror job as a reference (see --reference, and the
Advanced git plugin option).

My results using this is quite dramatic, the repo (.git) sizes under the
worker jobs are just a few Mb, even the actually repo is 1.5G+ in my case.
Also the "clone" for each worker job will just take a fraction of time.

Now I'd like Jenkins (plugin?) to provide a setup like this out-of-the-box,
eliminating the manual fiddling (I needed to add site-wide variables
overridden for each slave, etc..). Anyway it's good enough for me now.

Of course the actual "checkout" sizes are the same, but I see no
safe&straightforward way around that, that's just the nature of
building/testing code.
So, not sure if this helps but good luck anyway.

On 16 December 2013 17:06, <> wrote:

> Has anyone considered a modification to the git plugin (or other SCM
> plugins), to reduce the total number of checkouts physically required on a
> slave machine?
> We run 6 mult-configuration projects (debug and release configurations) on
> a handful of computers. Each configuration requires one code checkout (2.1
> G). That's 2.1*2*6 = 25.2 G  on each slave machine, for the source code
> only. The master build machine requires another 12.6 G, because it checks
> out additional copies *outside* the scope of build directories (no one
> knows why). Forget about leaving "Advanced Project Options" > "Restrict
> where this project can be run" unchecked, because if the build is started
> on a different computer each time, the code has to be checked out at the
> top level (potentially adding the 12.6 G to each slave machine, if the load
> is shared).
> Perhaps these issues have already been addressed; we run Jenkins version
> 1.524.
> Suggestions:
> a) Live with redundant code checkouts
> b) Stop using the git plugin, and have my shell script handle code checkout
> c) Rewrite the git plugin, or add an option, to allow one checkout per
> project on a slave. Technically this is the minimum number of checkouts
> allowed, because each project is allowed to access a unique sha1 hash.
> d) Add an option to the Jenkins core to disregard the top-level code
> checkouts (which I gather are done for some kind of consistency check...we
> can live without that check I think).
> e) I don't know Java and don't have much free time, otherwise I would
> write a completely new git plugin.
> Thanks for any suggestions, especially if I am missing something obvious
> here.
> --
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