Hi Everyone

I'm trying to run my Selenium WebDriver TestNG test suite (testing3.xml) in 

In Selenium, using TestNG, my test suite runs successfully.

In my Win7 cmd window, I can also run the test suite successfully using 
this string at the cmd prompt: java -cp 
C:\lib*;C:\Users\Smith\Eclipse\QA\TestProjects\bin org.testng.TestNG 

I put that cmd string into my Jenkins project the same way, but when I do a 
Build Now, the console shows this error:

"ERROR: Please configure the Selenium Remote Control htmlSuite Runner in 
admin of hudson"

Update: I found the field in Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->Configure System. In 
the section Selenium Remote Control->htmlSuite Runner I added my path to 
selenium: C:\lib\selenium-java-2.37.0.jar. The above error went away but 
I'm now getting the following error: ERROR: The suiteFile is not a file or 
an url. I'm not sure if this field wants the path to selenium jar file or 
the path to remote-selenium jar file, so I tried both but still get the 
ERROR: The suiteFile is not a file or an url error.

Thanks for any help...

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