On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 10:56:36 AM UTC+1, Jerome Lacoste wrote:
> Hello,
> If you are in any way interested in the future of building IOS/Mac apps 
> using jenkins, then you should participate to this thread. Please answer, 
> even in a few months :)
> I've had various conversations with different parties off list and I would 
> prefer to consolidate the conversations here, to have a stronger 
> cooperation and plan.
> Some questions: 
> == what are your IOS/Mac OS X use case(s) ?

We build IOS projects generated by Unity3d. We don't have unit tests in 
xcode projects. We don't even have a distributed build setup yet. Our main 
use case is for IPAs generation followed by testflight distribution .


> == do you use the xcode plugin ? If yes, what are you missing ? If not, 
> what do you use and why ?

We use the xcode plugin for very straightforward IPAs building. Followed by 
testflight distribution using the testflight plugin.
One job per project, sometimes extra jobs for extra feature branches. 
Currently jobs are created manually


> == what's your general view of the current IOS/Mac build jenkins ecosystem 
> and how would you like it to be improved ?

I help maintaining the plugin. From my point of view, the plugin
* has flexible to support multiple user cases (IOS & Mac apps)
* has a rather convoluted configuration (I think)
* lacks of unit tests / integration tests
* because of the above, there are alternative implementations 

What I would like to see improved:

* on a community level, people are increasingly using stackoverflow to ask 
questions about xcode & jenkins. Not really sure to do about this.

* I would have preferred the xcode plugin to be a thin wrapper to something 
I could reuse outside of jenkins, maybe something like 
https://github.com/rayh/xcoder/. This would make it easier I think to 
troubleshoot and reproduce issues.

* I would have liked to have a set of xcode projects (3-4) that could be 
use for integration testing (e.g. with different main scenarios, e.g. IOS 
app with / wout unit tests, mac os x app with/wout unit tests, archiving, 

* I would have liked a set of machines with different configurations to 
test the plugin, and maybe an integration job / matrix build for people to 
help test in their environments. Distributed, non distributed, headless, 

* I wonder if people need the latest xcode service features. E.g. 

I would love to take part of a hackathon in Oslo, Norway (or any town I 
could be in) to improve the state of the ecosystem.


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