if you try the following steps it should solve your problem

1. Right click on the Desktop and select New → Shortcut
2. Enter the following %windir%\System32\tscon.exe 1 /dest:console
3. Click Next, enter a name for the shortcut and then click Finish. The 
name can be anything you like.
4. On Windows 7/Vista hosts, this shortcut needs to be run with 
administrator privileges. Right click on the newly created shortcut and 
select Properties
5. Click the Advanced button on the Properties window.
6. Check the box marked Run as administrator and then click OK.
7. Pin the shortcut to the Start menu or the taskbar and click it when you 
would like to disconnect
On Friday, 18 October 2013 03:26:48 UTC+1, Kelvin Lei wrote:
> I have a jenkins agent set up on window 7, and I am running GUI testing on 
> it. It runs fine if I have a remote desktop connection open, but fail 
> otherwise. I found this link, Jenkins on Windows and GUI Tests without 
> RDC<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10177708/jenkins-on-windows-and-gui-tests-without-rdc>
> But the solution provided there is pretty vague. Could you any please 
> clearly teach me how to solve this? Much appreciated!

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