That is the crux of the problem. The summary table shows a failure when nothing else in the log shows a failure. All junit tests pass and there is no other indication in the verbose log of any other problem. Thus I am perplexed as to what is going on. Could it be a bug in jenkins or a plugin?

On 09/17/2013 03:04 PM, Richard Bywater wrote:
Looking at the log you provided, there appears to be a failure listed in the summary table at the end. Perhaps that is the issue? (Note I don't use Maven so not sure if that failure is "ok" or not)


On Wednesday, September 18, 2013, Farrukh Najmi wrote:

    I am new to Jenkins. I absolutely love this software. Thank you
    Kohsuke and friends. I have an issue for which I did not find an
    answer in archives.

    I run jenkins 1.531 for my multi-module maven project. All tests
    in all projects pass. There are no error or failures.
    However, Jenkins persistently reports failure in the second last
    module in the build sequence. Tests Results page shows 0 failure
    as well.

    A log is available here

    What might be the cause of this failure and how can I analyze this

Farrukh Najmi


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