The bug you referenced is fixed in the current versions of the git client 
plugin and the git plugin.  I can confirm that Git plugin versions 1.4.0 and 
1.5.0 are able to publish changes when used with git client plugin 1.1.2.

Unfortunately, that probably doesn't help you, since there is still some reason 
that your publish attempt is failing.  You'll need to do more investigating to 
understand why publish works for others and not in the case you're testing.

Mark Waite

> From: David Karlsen <>
>Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 2:53 AM
>Subject: Git push back changes
>I'm having problems getting jenkins to push back the merged branch to origin 
>repo. (everything else works but the push back to the repository).
>Looks like this issue:
>I'm running:
>-bash-3.2$ cat git-client/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 
>Manifest-Version: 1.0
>Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
>Created-By: Apache Maven
>Built-By: jglick
>Build-Jdk: 1.7.0_25
>Extension-Name: git-client
>Specification-Title: Utility plugin for Git support in Jenkins
>Implementation-Title: git-client
>Implementation-Version: 1.1.2
>Group-Id: org.jenkins-ci.plugins
>Short-Name: git-client
>Long-Name: Jenkins GIT client plugin
>Plugin-Version: 1.1.2
>Hudson-Version: 1.480
>Jenkins-Version: 1.480
>Plugin-Dependencies: ssh-credentials:1.0
>Plugin-Developers: Nicolas De
>-bash-3.2$ cat git/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 
>Manifest-Version: 1.0
>Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
>Created-By: Apache Maven
>Built-By: nicolas
>Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_31
>Extension-Name: git
>Specification-Title: Integrates Jenkins with GIT SCM
>Implementation-Title: git
>Implementation-Version: 1.4.0
>Group-Id: org.jenkins-ci.plugins
>Short-Name: git
>Long-Name: Jenkins GIT plugin
>Plugin-Version: 1.4.0
>Hudson-Version: 1.448
>Jenkins-Version: 1.448
>Plugin-Dependencies: token-macro:1.5.1;resolution:=optional,multiple-s
> cms:0.2;resolution:=optional,git-client:1.0.6,parameterized-trigger:2
> .4;resolution:=optional
>Plugin-Developers: Kohsuke Kawaguchi:kohsuke:,Nicolas De Loof:ndeloof:
>on core 1.509.2
>are there any workarounds? AFAIK I'm running the latest git plugins for latest 
>David J. M. Karlsen -
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