Is there anything language-related in /systemInfo or 
/computer/slavename/systemInfo, e.g. in environment variables?

On 12.08.2013, at 11:21, Steffen Breitbach <> wrote:

> And how do I stop it?
> Hi everyone!
> Jenkins os logging in german, mostly events related to slaves. Here are
> some examples:
> SEVERE: Kann keinen Slave-Agenten starten für bsjenkinsslave02
> WARNING: Node monitoring bsjenkinsslave01 for Antwortzeit aborted.
> Exception in thread "Monitoring bsjenkinsslave01 for Freier TEMP-Platz"
> Exception in thread "Monitoring bsjenkinsslave01 for Freier
> Plattenplatz" java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
> Why is it logging in german and how do I change it to english?
> Most users use the frontend with a browser that is set to a german
> locale, but that shouldn't affect the logging, should it?
> Regards
>  Steffen
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