Thanks for the suggestions.  Here is more detail regarding
questions/suggestions:  (Jenkins v 1.503)

I have one master and 3 slaves.  The master is running as user `tomcat7`.
 The slaves run as user `adminuser`.  The master has two build executors,
the slaves each have 3.  The Git 'clone' command runs on any of them.  I
have verified that the build (including the git clone) has run on master
and slave1 successfully.

I verified the master has the same key files as the slaves do.   They are
located in `/home/tomcat7/.ssh` for the master and `/home/adminuser/.ssh`
for the slaves.

I can run 'git ls-remote -h' if I manually ssh to the master or slaves and
`su` as tomcat7 or adminuser.

I've verified that the full path to Git installation in Jenkins config is
specified (/usr/bin/git).  If I leave off 'git' and just set it to /usr/bin
all Git jobs fail.

Fast remote polling is NOT set on any of my jobs.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 6:03 AM, nicolas de loof <>wrote:

> right, ls-remote is used to validate repository URL (form master) and to
> poll scm (single branch)
> 2013/3/7 Eduardo Dias <>
>> I had the same problem and  done what Nicolas suggested and the
>> message stopped. Even Jenkins does not use master to build the jenkis
>> master try to access repository.
>> 2013/3/7 nicolas de loof <>
>>> does the clone run on master or some slave ?
>>> this "ls-remote" command is executed on master, maybe you just miss the
>>> adequate ssh key there. Long term plan is to integrate
>>> ssh-credentials-plugin in git-plugin to manage this.
>>> 2013/3/7 Jeff <>
>>>> I thought I asked this and fixed it before, but it has come up again
>>>> and I am not seeing this in the archives....
>>>> When we setup a job that pulls source from GIT, I see this error shown
>>>> below the "Repository URL" box:
>>>> Failed to connect to repository : Error performing command:  ls-remote
>>>> -h HEAD
>>>> or for projects using our internal GitoLIte repo:
>>>>  Failed to connect to repository : Error performing command:
>>>> ls-remote -h HEAD
>>>> The project "clone"s and builds just fine, but I don't think the SCM
>>>> Polling works properly and I think it is related to the above issue.
>>>> Any idea what it might be?  Google searches indicate that the absolute
>>>> path to the git binary must be specified, which I've set (/usr/bin/git).
>>>> I've set the git environment values on the job
>>>> settings.
>>>> I don't know what else to look at.  Thoughts?
>>>> --
>>>> Jeff Vincent
>>>> See my LinkedIn profile at:
>>>> I ♥ DropBox <> !!
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>> Atenciosamente,
>> Eduardo
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Jeff Vincent
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