Is there anything in the Jenkins log or in the build log that would give
any clues?

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 4:06 PM, jo2dad <> wrote:

> I'm running Jenkins as a service.  There is a Jenkins slave running on the
> Window box I'm using.  I'm not sure how to tell whether the service has
> permission to interact with the desktop.
> The rest of the script runs fine (MATLAB make its figures, PowerPoint
> opens, does its thing and saves the results), it's just when it gets to the
> end and tries to close PowerPoint when things go wrong.
> When I look at processes using Task Manager, MATLAB, PowerPoint and
> Jenkins show up as NT Authority\SYSTEM.  I assumed this meant that
> everything was running as System user and should have all necessary
> permissions.
> On Wednesday, March 6, 2013 5:51:23 PM UTC-5, jo2dad wrote:
>> I'm working on a project that uses Jenkins to run MATLAB (on Windows).
>> The MATLAB function uses the ActiveX server to start PowerPoint, open (or
>> create) a file, put plots on slides, save the file and then exit PowerPoint.
>> The problem I'm having is that the PowerPoint executable won't quit, and
>> the Jenkins job hangs until I kill it.  I've run the same MATLAB function
>> outside of Jenkins, from the MATLAB command line, and even in a DOS command
>> window, and PowerPoint exits with no problem.  I finally wrote a separate
>> Jenkins job that uses "tasklist" and "taskkill" to locate and kill the
>> PowerPoint executable.
>> I wrote this job originally for Hudson and don't recall that this was a
>> problem.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  I'd prefer that the
>> MATLAB function kills PowerPoint, without having to call a separate job.
>> It's not clear whether this is a Jenkins, PowerPoint or MATLAB problem,
>> but because I only see this problem when I use Jenkins, I figured I'd start
>> here.
>> Thanks,
>> jo2dad
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