Hi cjo,
When i use the same URL as i do for Repo, i get error:

Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: 

> From: cjo <cjo.john...@gmail.com>
>To: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com 
>Cc: Kamal Ahmed <kamal2222ah...@yahoo.com> 
>Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 8:09 PM
>Subject: Re: Groovy Scipt to update svn Browser to sventon
>These should be the values that you enter in the config of the job when you 
>select the Sventon2 browser for the SVN browser in the SCM config for a job. 
>(might be in the advanced section)
>So from the code it would be the URL and Repository Instance.
>Warning: Before you run that script make sure that the URL and instance are 
>correct in a single job first which has a SVN scm configured.
>Also check that you want all SVN jobs on your server to have that browser, as 
>it will replace them all.
>And you might want to alter the creation of the SubversionSCM object if you 
>are using the latest version of the subversion plugin and the "Filter Change 
>log" option. If you are not using that flag then no alteration is required. 
>See newer constructor [1].
>Hope this helps
>On Friday, 1 March 2013 19:29:01 UTC, Kamal Ahmed  wrote:
>>I am using:
>>https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/ display/JENKINS/Update+SVN+ Browser
>>to update the browser for every job, but not sure what would be the value of 
>>the URL @
>>browser = new hudson.scm.browsers.Sventon2(n ew URL("http://...../";), ".....")

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