I ended up having to go in and tweak the default to connect with
/home/jenkins instead of the /var/what/ever it was using (poor choice IMO).
Now it uses the home directory instead. And with a bit of admin adjustment,
has permissions to do what it needs to do.

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Foxgang <teve...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How did you install Jenkins? If you used the Yum or Debian packages, it
> should have already set up a user named Jenkins which the Jenkins service
> runs under. It should also have already set it up to have sufficient
> permissions to do whatever (within the Jenkins workspace).
> How do you know it's running as anonymous? The startup script gets run as
> root, which then starts the daemon under 'su jenkins'. It should therefore
> be running as jenkins.
> The default workspace is easy to change, you can do that through the web
> UI, in the main configuration.
> On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 12:17:09 PM UTC-6, mwpowellhtx wrote:
>> I am looking at my /etc/init.d/jenkins and it is a bash script. There is
>> a JENKINS_USER there, but I don't see it set. I take it, I set it there
>> and/or export the value? I'm new to this Linux thing, does that sound about
>> right?
>> On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:40:32 AM UTC-6, mwpowellhtx wrote:
>>> Hello, I am sure this question has been asked in different forms before,
>>> having some difficulty connecting the dots.
>>> I've got Jenkins more of the way installed, some owner and permissions
>>> issues on a jenkins account better understood and resolved.
>>> I can now clone repositories on the command prompt using the jenkins
>>> account. That's step one. Now I want to configure Jenkins service to run
>>> not as the anonymous user but rather as the jenkins account.
>>> However, it's running as anonymous, trying to work with /var/lib, etc,
>>> path to workspace. I want that workspace under the user's home directory
>>> instead.
>>> I've been reading bits and pieces how to configure my jenkins start
>>> command in a service environment, what configuration files to convey
>>> running as the user name, but need a pointer to better understand and
>>> resolve it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Michael
>>  --
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