I've been using this plugin for a while (only in Hudson - converting to
Jenkins... today.)

The priority number is only used to sort the jobs in the queue and not
based on jobs already in the executors. This means:

   - it seems to take a few seconds for the sort to occur. Usually not an
   issue, but perhaps it's applicable to you.
   - if you have empty executors, the jobs will still be submitted. If you
   have 6 empty executors and 6 jobs in the queue, all 6 will end up executing
   at once, no matter what their priority
   - If you have all executors busy, and a backlog of jobs in the queue,
   then the jobs are sorted in the queue based on their priority,. The next
   available executor gets the next job, but in this case it will be the
   highest priority job (of the ones in the queue at the instant the
   submission occurred).

And one last bit of confusion that still manages to bite me: the higher the
priority number, the higher the priority.  For some reason, I think #1 is
the highest priority... it isn't, it's the lowest. So your job priority of
10 is low compared to a 100.


On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Adam Mercer <ramer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm using the Priority Sorter Plugin[1] as I'd like one project to use
> the next available build host regardless of the other jobs ahead of it
> in the queue. According to the documentation for the plugin:
> "This plugin allows jobs waiting in the build queue to be sorted by a
> static priority rather than the standard FIFO. Each job is assigned a
> priority number and jobs with higher priorities are built first. Jobs
> with lower priorities will not run until an executor frees up which no
> higher-priority jobs in the build queue can use.
> The default priority is 100. Jobs will be ordered in ascending order.
> A priority of 50 comes before a priority of 100."
> So for the job I'd like to "skip the queue", and build on the next
> available host, I assigned a priority of 10, but this seems to be
> ignored and jobs are assigned to build hosts in the order in which
> they appear in the queue.
> Any idea why this priority is being ignored?
> Cheers
> Adam
> [1] <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Priority+Sorter+Plugin>
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