On 04 Feb 2013, at 4:50 PM, Andreas Schilling <andreas.schill...@twt-gmbh.de> 

> you know of http://YOURJENKINSINSTANCE/scm/SubversionSCM/enterCredential ?
> To my current knowledge this URL is still kind of unknown. At least when we 
> set up SVN (like 2 years ago) we stumbled upon this more by accident than by 
> knowing... 
> After switching to hg some time ago I actually don't know alot about what's 
> happening around the SVN integration in Jenkins, but I think this still is 
> the way to pass the credentials. 

I finally stumbled on a way to put the certificate in on a per project basis 
(highly non ideal, but I'll take anything that works at this point). Still no 

The error I get is this:
Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection 
during handshake
The remote host disconnects because of this:

SSL Library Error: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong
 version number

All of these are deep protocol errors that are just dumped in a logfile, the 
actual error is discarded or ignored.

Is there a way to get rid of svnkit entirely? In our case the native svn client 
works fine, we don't need this second client, it doesn't seem to work properly 
with digital certificates and/or SNI and has no error handling at all.


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