We use West Coast Brand <http://www.westcoastbrand.com/> for a lot of the
SWAG CloudBees produces (including the Jenkins conference tshirts).

They do a good job and I'm sure Alyssa could hook us up for a deal on
whatever item we chose.

They have a wide array of drinking
As for beer procurement devices, this
sleek and would look great with Jenkins' face on it. Also fairly
inexpensive at quantity ($1.32each for 250, plus setup charge).


On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 6:41 AM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <k...@kohsuke.org> wrote:

> Do you have any pointer?
> 2013/1/23 Fred <fred...@hotmail.com>
>> While looking for a print shop for the Jenkins flyers, I came across beer
>> coasters.
>> Depending on how many you want to transport they could be a bit bulky,
>> but at least they are not too heavy and should be affordable.
>> On 01/23/2013 09:09 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>>> In the project meeting today, we had a conversation about what
>>> give-aways to make for this year.
>>> In the past several years we made 3"x3" stickers, and while those are
>>> still very popular, I thought it might be fun to see if we can make
>>> something else as well.
>>> Ideally it'd be not too expensive, and it shouldn't be too bulky nor too
>>> heavy. Any discounts you can find would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Some of the ideas include a pin badge, although I haven't found any
>>> price information on it.
>>> If you have any thoughts, please let us know!
>>> --
>>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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 Lisa Wells
Partner Marketing Bee
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