It is never automatically read, except on Jenkins startup. Reading it all the 
time would be very expensive. If you need config.xml changes to take effect, 
you'll need to tell Jenkins to reload its configuration from disk (which can be 
done from the Manage Jenkins page).

----- Original Message -----
At: Jan 23 2013 14:27:24

Hi All

In a job's config.xml, we modified disabled tag value from false to true.
We "enabled" job from the web UI interface.
We ran the job successfully.
We remodified the config.xml disabled tag to value true.
We went back to the UI web interface.
We can still run the job.

Is this a bug ?
When is config.xml read to update its status ?


Hi All

In a job's config.xml, we modified disabled tag value from false to true.
We "enabled" job from the web UI interface.
We ran the job successfully.
We remodified the config.xml disabled tag to value true.
We went back to the UI web interface.
We can still run the job.

Is this a bug ?
When is config.xml read to update its status ?


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