
I just run java.exe Jenkins.war

or some such command line. i.e. no container app like tomcat.


[] On Behalf Of Pawel Jasinski
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Slow Jenkins response to http after upgrade


what do you use as container, winstone?



On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Yitzhak Zuriel <> wrote:

We recently upgraded our Jenkins CI servers to the latest LTS version
(4.480.1 -- before this we were using version 4.447.2)  After this upgrade,
we found that on our busiest servers (especially on a master of 8 slaves;
all run on Windows Server 2008 r2) that the http response becomes very slow.
It's inconsistent, but approximately half of the time the GUI responds
either sluggishly or seems stuck. Has anyone experienced this? Does anyone
have suggestions for how we can investigate the cause of this? We thought it
might be due to intensive SCM polling activity of many projects' commit
jobs, so we increased the polling intervals and spread them out more, and
this had no effect. I'd appreciate any ideas.  A small related question: one
of the things we want to do for our investigation is to record logs of http
activity. Which logger name(s) should we use to capture such logs?


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