Hi Brian, I have exactly the same situation and am trying to understand if we yet have a solution to solve this issue -
My situation is - Project 1 is dependent on artifacts from Project 2 & Project 3. Project 2 is dependent on artifacts from Project 3. Project 3 is independent. 1) When a commit is made to Project 3, only it should be build. 2) When a commit is made to Project 2, it should first build Project 3 and then use the artifacts from it and build Project 2. 3) When a commit is made to Project 1, it should first build Project 2 & Project 3 and then use the artifacts from it and build Project 1. All the three projects are polling SVN every 5 minutes also I have made Project 3 as upstream for Project 2. Similarly, Project 2 is upstream for Project 1. It works most of the time but when simultaneous check ins are made on say Project 2 and Project 3. Project 2 fails first(triggered by SVN polling) and then builds successfully(triggered by Project 3 build). Can we solve this in an elegant manner. Regards Faisal On Sunday, 1 May 2011 19:56:22 UTC+5:30, bwestrich wrote: > > That would fix the scenario I described, but would miss any checkins > (at some other time) that only modified the downstream project. > > On Apr 29, 4:07 pm, w batelaan <wbjr...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Can't you remove the SCM trigger from the downstream job?