Spoke too soon apparently - as soon as I logged out of the slave, the
connection was broken, so back to where I was before.
Any other ideas? I'm going to keep looking in case there is a jnlp hiding
somewhere else on the system.


On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Chanda Unmack <cha...@lytro.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the pointer - sometimes it takes an external pair of eyes to
> see something so obvious :) I did read that advisory, and I thought I was
> deleting everything and or it was overwriting the *.jnlp. Unfortunately it
> looks as if it was merely adding copies, and not overwriting - found
> slave-agent[1].jnlp, slave-agent[2].jnlp.... sigh. In case anyone else runs
> into this, in my environment I found them in temporary internet files for
> the user launching the service.
> After removing all the slave-agent*.jnlp, deleting the service and copying
> the jar files over again, all is working as it was before the upgrade.
> thanks again for the help!
> chanda
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Mark Waite <markwa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I think that message means that the technique which is launching the
>> slaves as a windows service from the GUI is using JNLP.
>> The security advisory page on the wiki [1] says "Slaves that are started
>> via Java Web Start will fail to reconnect if the *.jnlp file is locally
>> stored. This is because the authentication tokens change. *An
>> administrator would have to login to the UI, retrieve the *.jnlp file and
>> overwrite what's already on the slave*. A slave that was launched via
>> Java Web Start and then turned into a service through its menu falls into
>> this category." (emphasis added).
>> I think that means you'll need to find some way to remove the JNLP file
>> from your Windows machine where the service placed it, then download the
>> JNLP again.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to remove the JNLP from
>> Windows when running as a service.  Possibly, you could search for all JNLP
>> files?
>> Mark Waite
>> [1]
>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/SECURITY/Jenkins+Security+Advisory+2013-01-04
>> On Monday, January 7, 2013 3:32:13 PM UTC-7, Chanda Unmack wrote:
>>> I have the same issue after upgrading from 1.480.1 to 1.480.2 on Ubuntu
>>> 12.04. I am able to launch the windows slaves manually, but unable to have
>>> them run as a windows service from the gui. I am able to install it as a
>>> service from the command line, but the master never connects to the slave.
>>>  The only hint I have is if I try to run the command for a headless slave,
>>> then I get
>>> java.io.IOException: Failed to load http://jenkins/computer/**
>>> server-bld-pc1/slave-agent.**jnlp<http://jenkins/computer/server-bld-pc1/slave-agent.jnlp>:
>>> 403 Forbidden
>>>         at hudson.remoting.Launcher.**parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.**
>>> java:238)
>>>         at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(**Launcher.java:200)
>>>         at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(**Launcher.java:173)
>>> I'm obviously missing something here so any pointers greatly
>>> appreciated. I have removed all the jar, exe and xml files from the slaves
>>> several times, completely deleted the service from the slave, but no change
>>> in the behavior.
>>> thanks,
>>> chanda
>>> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Richard Mortimer <ri...@oldelvet.org.uk
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> On 07/01/2013 18:21, Mark Waite wrote:
>>>>> I upgraded my Debian Jenkins LTS from 1.480.1 to 1.480.2 today using
>>>>> the
>>>>> Debian package manager.  The machine was running with authentication
>>>>> enabled and was using Debian, CentOS, Red Hat, and Windows slave
>>>>> agents.
>>>>>   The Linux slave agents are launched with ssh.  The Windows slave
>>>>> agents are launched with JNLP from a batch file on the Windows
>>>>> machines.
>>>>> The upgrade seems to have blocked all connections from the Windows
>>>>> (JNLP) slaves.  I assume that is intentional since I had authentication
>>>>> enabled and 1.480.2 attempts to disallow unauthenticated slave agent
>>>>> connections.  I resolved that by disabling authentication on the master
>>>>> server.
>>>>>  I believe that is a consequence of the changes made in 1.480.2. I
>>>> haven't upgraded my Jenkins instance yet to see this but I read the
>>>> following advisory earlier today and believe the change is related to that.
>>>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/**di**splay/SECURITY/Jenkins+**Securit**
>>>> y+Advisory+2013-01-04<https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/SECURITY/Jenkins+Security+Advisory+2013-01-04>
>>>> Regards
>>>> Richard
>>>>  After the upgrade, I see some "Dead" entries in the list of slaves on
>>>>> the left side of the Jenkins opening page.  When I click the red "Dead"
>>>>> entry, it shows the following stack trace:
>>>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>>         at hudson.matrix.**MatrixConfigurat**ion.newBuild(**
>>>>> MatrixConfigurati**on.java:218)
>>>>>         at hudson.matrix.**MatrixConfigurat**ion.newBuild(**
>>>>> MatrixConfigurati**on.java:64)
>>>>>         at hudson.model.AbstractProject.**c**reateExecutable(**
>>>>> AbstractProjec**t.java:1197)
>>>>>         at hudson.model.AbstractProject.**c**reateExecutable(**
>>>>> AbstractProjec**t.java:136)
>>>>>         at hudson.model.Executor.run(**Exec**utor.java:211)
>>>>> Once I click through that "Dead" thread one or two times, the slave
>>>>> agent seems to remain running without interruption.
>>>>> Are those expected results that are part of the transition from 1.480.1
>>>>> to 1.480.2?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Mark Waite
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