I do need more than one executor for the generated jobs as opposed to
the generator jobs but I already work around the problem by simply not
using the delete mode.

syl20bnr wrote:
> Thank you for the details. I can reproduce it.
> There is some sort of deadlock if your master is configured with more
> than 1 executor.
> The deletion should be done one by one or I have to find a way another
> way to handle it.
> For now, if it is possible for you, you can work around the bug by
> setting only 1 executor on your master.
> Le lundi 7 janvier 2013 19:17:30 UTC-5, JonathanRRogers a écrit :
>     I have a top-level generator project "trigger_builds_generator"
>     with one
>     generator parameter "MANUAL_GIT_BRANCH" which triggers two
>     parameterized
>     build entries for a second level project "build_generator" with two
>     different values for a second generator parameter
>     "build_generator" project in turn triggers  two different projects to
>     run tests. Running the hierarchy generates seven projects overall. If
>     you need it, I can probably provide the configuration itself.
>     After running the hierarchy in the default create mode, I see the
>     seven
>     new projects. Then, I run the hierarchy exactly the same way except
>     checking the "Delete jobs" and confirmation check boxes. The
>     top-level
>     "trigger_builds_generator" job succeeds immediately, removing the
>     project it had created. However, three jobs remain executing, one for
>     each lower level generator project. They cannot be killed by any
>     means
>     I'm aware of.
>     Once I restart Jenkins, the invincible jobs are gone of course and
>     some
>     of the projects they were intended to delete have gone away. As I
>     said,
>     I only see this problem when using the delete mode. Creating brand
>     new
>     or replacing existing jobs works fine. It looks like there's some
>     locking problem that only exhibits in delete mode.
>     syl20bnr wrote:
>     > Can you give me more details on your hierarchy so I can try to
>     > reproduce this bug ?
>     > Thank you.
>     >
>     > Le jeudi 3 janvier 2013 23:02:15 UTC-5, JonathanRRogers a écrit :
>     >
>     >     Whenever I run a job generator job to delete an existing
>     hierarchy
>     >     of generated jobs, the generator jobs themselves get stuck.
>     They
>     >     never complete and if I attempt to kill them manually, the
>     entire
>     >     Jenkins web interface gets stuck and I can never load another
>     >     page. The only way to get rid of the stuck jobs I've found
>     so far
>     >     is to restart Jenkins. Generating new jobs doesn't seem to have
>     >     the same problem, even if replacing existing ones.
>     >
>     -- 
>     Jonathan Rogers

Jonathan Rogers

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