On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Adam Tong <adam.to...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This means the only way I can do that is to use a slave.

Yes, but the slave instance(s) can run on the same host as the master
if it has the capacity.

> As a developer I never needed to do that before even if I am familiar
> with the terms master/slave.

Master/slave is probably the most common way to run jenkins even
though it is not an absolute requirement for single-platform

> Do you suggest any link for beginners? if it is in the context of
> jenkins would be awesome?

It is very simple - just make sure you have the ssh slaves plugin
installed and add each new node with a different name even if it runs
on the same host as another.   For the Launch method, pick 'Launch
slave agents on Unix machines via SSH'  and in the 'advanced' section
fill in the username to run as with a password or key file (just like
any other ssh connection) that will permit connection.    The 'Remote
FS root' must be something this user can access (like that user's home
directory) - and something different for each instance.

   Les Mikesell

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