That way still works are you sure you are archiving it? If you look at a job that has run recently it will have links to the last successful build which uses the below syntax, so I'm thinking your file just isn't where you are expecting it to be.
Will On 12/26/2012 04:16 PM, Niranjan Rao wrote: I am a new user of jenkins - having migrated from hudson two days back. In hudson, I could use the url like http://server/hudson/job/build/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/project/target/project.jar to download entries for last successful build. We have bunch of scripts that use wget to download the files from last successful build. With jenkins, build artifacts shows with the version number, even though final name in maven build is set to something else. I did check the workspace and the files I am looking for does exist, however web front end does not expose it. What will be the best way to download files?