What are you trying to do?

If you are running jobs on master, there is an environment variables section under global properties; check the box and you might be able to set M2_HOME. I have not tried doing this, but it might work. The help says "These key-value pairs apply for every build on every node. They can be used in Jenkins' configuration (as $key or ${key}) and will be added to the environment for processes launched from the build."

The automatically installed Maven is deployed onto a slave and uses the default repository location, for example, $HOME/.m2/repository on Linux. This is shared between all jobs on that slave. If you set the private repository option for a job, the repository is ".repository" in the workspace for that job.

There is provision in slave configuration to set environment variables, just like for the master; I expect that setting M2_HOME here might work, but I have not tried.

If you are starting your slave as a service that calls back to master via JNLP, I expect that you can set M2_REPO on the slave. For example, if you are starting your slave via an initscript, there are standard ways of setting daemon environment variables depending on platform.

Again, if you can tell us what you are trying to do, we might be able to give better advice.

Kind regards,

On 18/12/12 13:35, Z W wrote:
Hi All

We are using the bundled Maven of Jenkins.
We could not find M2_HOME variable used by Jenkins.

Where is it set in Jenkins as an enviroment variable ?


Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben.caradoc-dav...@csiro.au>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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