Hi All,

I have to jobs running on the same slave. they build a C# dll and exe.

job 1: 
   - get latest from svn
   - build
   - archive artifacts.
   - trigger job 2

On the first job, after building the dll, I archive the artifacts it has 
build "src/MicroRSP/Release/XYZ.Shared.*" 
On the jobs page, it says that it has archived XYZ.Shared.dll and 

job 2:
  - get latest from svn
  - copy artifacts -- FAILS
  - build

In job 2, whenI want to use the artifacts in job 2, and copy them  it says: 
0 artifacts from "XYZ.Shared" build number 30.

the two jobs are running on the same slave. - could the problem be that the 
master doesn't have any achvived artifacts, since job 1 is on a slave?

Please help 

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