Hello, We've got some Windows PowerShell scripts I would like to expose throughout our jobs for natural house keeping steps.
I've got the Set-ExecutionPolicy set appropriately and I can run scripts apart from Jenkins through the command line, with PowerShell (i.e. context menu), etc. Running through the PowerShell task doesn't work at all, it fails. I try as a Windows Batch Command task, the command is nothing special. powershell.exe -File "<path-to-powershell-script/>" "<arg0/>" "<arg1/>" However, when I run the Job I get the following error: File <path-to-powershell-script/> cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details. Now, is the Jenkins process somehow signing the wrappers it puts around such scripts? We've got the execution policy set otherwise, which if it's a conflict, then perhaps we abandon PowerShell altogether for something more "conventional" like Batch or Command files. We've got the PowerShell scripts today, so obviously if I can get them to work, I want to do that. But if I need to rewrite them as batch files, then I'll do that instead. Thanks in advance.. Regards, Michael