I think I might be glad that I chose to roll my own using Ant and xcodebuild...


On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Martin <woofbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you have a workspace containing a library, and a project that includes
> the library, then if you make a change to the library then that change is
> never, I repeat *never*, included in your app/.ipa.
> This applies to libraries only afaik.
> I've spent two days digging into this and have however found the steps
> necessary for a workaround:
> 1) XCode/XCodeBuild does not cope very well with static libraries in general
> (I've noticed lots of glitches over the past several months). If you build,
> then make a change to the library, then build again then
> XCodeBuild will not include your change into the app unless you do a clean
> first.
> So if you are using XCodeBuild in conjunction with static libraries make
> sure you also do something like this:
> xcodebuild -workspace /Users/User/Workspace.xcworkspace -scheme NameOfScheme
> clean
> 2) Note that clicking the Clean Before Build flag in the Jenkins XCode
> plugin will *not* achieve the same affect. Look at the console output from
> the above command and look at the console output from Jenkins with this flag
> set - it is not the same, nor is the result, therefore if you need to
> properly clean things add a call to XCodeBuild clean explicitly.
> 3) Even if you add the two lines explicitly to the Jenkins script, then
> changes to the library are still not included. I found the only way to get
> the change included in the build output was to first delete XCodes build
> directory for your workspace, thus you need to add this line to the Jenkins
> script before the build starts:
> rm -r /Users/User/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData/*
> (If you have more than one workspace then adapt this command accordingly to
> only delete folders for the particular workspace you are dealing with -
> directories with the name NameOfWorkspace-randomstring get generated in
> DerivedData folder).
> If you do that then finally your changes will be applied to your build. This
> last step is not necessary if not using Jenkins, therefore my conclusion is
> it is *yet another* bug with the XCode plugin.
> Not the first problem I've found with it - use it at your peril if your
> project isn't striaghtforward.

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