Hi Roman, 

I'm facing exactly the same issue and so far solved it by adding a "commit" 
String parameter with default value "origin/master" and then running this 
shell step: 

echo "Updating to commit [$commit]"
git checkout $commit
git log --format=format:[%h]-[%cn]-[%cr]-[%s] -10

TeamCity allows one to choose a commit to build in its Run Custom Build 

Then I face an issue of adding this to all 5 jobs we have in a pipeline 
which starts looking a bit tiresome so I also wonder if other people have 
solved this problem in a more elegant way.

On Friday, March 16, 2012 12:43:26 AM UTC+1, Roman Ovchinnikov wrote:
> Hello!
> I've tried to search myself, but looks like my google-fu is weak.
> I want to know how what is proper way to specify certain git revision to 
> be built ? I've found how to specify branch via (parameterized option), but 
> not revision. Trying 
> git-parameter plugin, but it looks to be too smart - it is getting all 
> commits and showing them to select from (and for now isn't listing the 
> latest commits i have, but this is another question i guess).
> The only way for now I've found - is 1) add string param with name like 
> MYGITREV, 2) in build phase, specify script like "if ! [ -z "$MYGITREV" 
> ];then git checkout $MYGITREV;fi" . 
> I can't believe I'm the only one in the world who wants to be able specify 
> revision, like buildbot's "Force build" option.

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